
We're back!

"But I'll take the hand of those who don't know that way, who can't see where they're going. I'll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country.  I'll be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don't fall into the ditch.  These are the things I'll be doing for them-sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute."  Isaiah 42:16 MSG

Hey there...

Our family started a new journey almost 2 months ago and we thought this would be a great way for our family and friends to keep updated on the small things of our lives.  We would love for you to visit our blog often and feel like you are going on this journey with us.

Since moving to the wonderful state of North Carolina, our lives have been a roller coaster of emotions.  We have faced overwhelming excitement for this new adventure and also moments of home sickness...sometimes both in the same day.  We have tried to keep as many things as "normal" for our family-especially for the kids.  Soccer practice & games, family dinners, "Fire pit Friday" (where we sit by the fire pit and make s'mores), and watching shows like Gator Boys and Call of the Wild man make us feel home.  I am learning that its the small things in everyday family life that make us feel "home."  We have been blessed with a wonderful new church family, who has gone above and beyond to make us feel welcome and like we belong...bringing dinner, inviting us to dinner, doing extra sweet things for us and our kids.  God has truly directed our steps and provided for us in only ways that He can.  We have had the privilege of sitting in awe of Him as we simply watch Him work around us.  He has proven His faithfulness to us and we trust Him with ever new step we take.

Many have asked how we were enjoying our new home...we love it!  We have made a few changes, but its starting to feel like home to us.  We are learning our way around town and finding some of the local favorite places to eat and have ice cream.  We have been blessed with family & friends visiting us and we love that! Its so great to have them-but so hard to say good-bye. Josh and I are so excited to see what God has planned for us here.  Josh is doing a wonderful job at Calvary and he has really lead our family to trust the Lord in these new changes. He amazes me every day in the way he leads our family & sacrifices for us...and doesn't complain.  I am so blessed to be going on this journey with him!   Hannah & Eli have been champions in the way they have adjusted.  Hannah started her new school, where she is loving her teacher and class.  She is learning so many new things already...she went on her first field trip today where she learned about insects and plants.  She loves her Sunday School class and is enjoying meeting new friends and growing in her relationship with Jesus.  She has also started playing soccer and doing great!  Her coach is very impressed with her soccer skills and she is having a blast.  Eli is doing great too.  Since moving to NC, he has given up his "bite bite" and really maturing into a little boy.  He is beginning to adjust to his new class at church.  We still have our moments, but he's getting there.  I started working at Lifeway a couple days a week, so that is helping with his separation anxiety some.  We have also joined a Community Bible Study here-also called CBS...it is so wonderful!  Eli goes to his "school" one day a week and has done remarkably well.  He feels really big doing in with his backpack and it is one of the best decisions I feel like I have made since we moved here. We are meeting new people and making new friends.  
Please continue to pray for us and this new chapter of our lives.  Pray for the people in our city and that we will have opportunities to share the hope of Jesus with them.  Pray for our families back in Tennessee as they adjust to this new life too...having their grand kids 3 hours away is difficult and they are making sacrifices too.  Thanks to those who have texted, emailed or called to let us know that you still think about us and miss us. Your support means the world to us!  We hope you feel connected with us as we share our lives with you.
"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."  Philippians 1:6 NLT