
Rankin Lake

 We had the opportunity to visit a local park and look how pretty! 
 We are planning on taking family pictures here...beautiful!


Brrr..it's time to take off the old stuff!

Brrr...it is cold in NC!
It has skipped Fall here in our new home state of North Carolina!  We were sweating and wearing shorts and flip-flops on Saturday and now I'm ready to turn up the heat.  I love Fall-leaves beginning to change color, all the smells of apple, hot chocolate, cider, and pumpkin.  Yummy!  I also enjoy cooking for Fall-I mean who doesn't enjoy throwing a few ingredients in the crock-pot around breakfast and smelling it all day knowing that dinner is done.  I enjoy these things, but one of my favorite things about Fall is dragging out the tote labeled "Fall clothes."  Sweat shirts, fleece hoodies, sweaters, jeans and boots...it is now officially that time at the Glandon house.  As I sat to do my Bible study time this morning, Philippians led me to study about the renewing of my mind.  I studied the importance of not being anxious but making your request (those things that make us anxious) known to God and receiving His peace.  I have memorized this verse and Matthew 6:25-33 over the past year.  They have been written and heavily underlined in my Bible, on my calendar, posted on my bathroom mirror and on the dash of my car.  I know what God's Word says about anxious thoughts, but today as I studied, it felt like a little light bulb went off in my mind and hidden deep inside my heart.  The very end of Philippians 4:7 says this..."He will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus."  I have very intentionally made my "request" known to God during moments of anxiety & fear and I have felt His peace over situations, but I can't say that I have asked Him to guard my heart and mind.  Of course it sounds great when you pray and ask Him to guard your heart and mind, but I had to do some hard looking and ask myself if I really ask Him to guard me?  In a moment of that anxiousness...for example when Hannah walked into her new school for the first time and we didn't know anyone except for our sweet friend Evelyn and her teacher.  Understand with me a second.  I had just left a school in Knoxville where I knew all the office staff by name and the college team they cheered for, which teacher was getting ready to be a grandmother or retire, the church they attended, the mom- who even was a little annoying over her constant asking me to be on the year book staff,  moms with who our kids had been Kindergarten classmates...you get the point...I was very comfortable there.  So as I dropped my little 7 year old baby girl at the door of her new school, this momma was feeling very anxious.  Yes we had talked and prayed and prepared ourselves for this new journey, but I sadly don't remember asking God to guard my heart and mind.  So...as I sat this morning I thought how much more sense His peace would make and how less stressful my life would be if I simply asked Him to guard me.  When those anxious thoughts come, I need to ask Him to guard me from allowing my mind to wander and get myself worked up.  I know its hard...I struggle daily with this, but God is continuing to teach me what it means to trust Him and simply be honest with Him.  The best way to guard my heart and mind is to do exactly what the Scriptures following this command says to do..."You'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious-the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not to curse." (Phil. 4:8-9)  I am to think the best and not the worst in stressful times.  Not only ask Him to guard my mind, but ask Him to renew it.  Romans 12:1-2 and Ephesians 4:22-24 are great reminders of allowing God to control and renew my mind as He guards it.  I have to be intentional in guarding what goes in and dying to my old ways of thinking.  In a way...it is like packing up the old summer clothes and getting out the new fall tote.  A great reminder for me as I clean out my closet and get out the "new." I have to put that old way of thinking behind me and daily put on or clothe myself with the new way of thinking-His way of thinking.  So friends, as you start a new season and you drag out those totes..ask Him to give you a new way of thinking and guard your heart and mind during stressful times (remember holidays are just around the corner).  And if anyone would be willing to teach me how to wear and tie one of those cute scarfs...if would be greatly appreciated!


Brokenness Aside

That's all I can say! I hope my honestly will somehow minister to your heart the way He has ministered to mine!
Over the past several weeks,  I have felt God trying to change my heart and I have been resisting.  I pushed it off as exhaustion, frustration, big changes in our lives and even anger.  All these could have possibly been a component...but my issue what not situational-but spiritual.  As I started this new Bible study of Philippians I was excited to see how God was going to work within me.  A new group of ladies, a few hours alone and a new study and chance to grow in my relationship with Jesus.  I am enjoying all those things, but as I am studying Paul, I have had some major head scratching moments with myself and with Jesus.  Do I have see everyday "interruptions" (melt down in the store, car battery dying in the school pickup line-I will address this in a minute, a simple stop during laundry to show affection to my spouse, playing trains with my son, or snuggling and reading with my daughter) as a chance to minister?  Do I have a single-minded goal in life?  To make much of Jesus.  No matter my circumstance or situation.  My purpose to is make much of Him and trust and rely on Him.  Do I allow simple things to steal my joy?  Do I daily look to Jesus as my model of humility and really display it to those around me?  And then this week really rocked my world.  I have to participate and cooperate with Him to really experience what He has planned and purposed for me.  Did you get the cooperate part?  "Christians who are not walking in willingness obedience to the Lord often grumble and complain about their circumstances."...this is where my husband would say "amen."  The Lord has been trying to grab my attention and change my attitude.  Not that I have been having some major attitude where someone would say "jeez what's her problem," but just the subtle attitude that slowly nips at heels and hearts. (isn't that how Satan works best?)  Well after much thought and gentle nudging by the Holy Spirit working in my heart, I have came to the conclusion that God simply wants to circumcise my heart. Deuteronomy 30:6 says "And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live."  Okay...so think about that for a minute.  Without being crude think about circumcision.  It is simply removing old skin and exposing the raw.  It is a personal & permanent sign of what has happened.  As God's child, that is what happens within our hearts. Attitudes, complaining, frustrations, anger....all these are a matter of the heart.  God has simply been wanting me to strip those things away and allow Him to mold me into something better...something set-apart.  To rely on His strength and power.
 On days like yesterday for example.  My morning with Eli started with a melt down over pants...yes pants.  It was a rainy and very chilly day here in NC.  I was being a good mom and dressing my son appropriately for the weather...then it happened-the meltdown.  Eli and his little will (that we are praying for God to help us with) refused to wear his pants.  So after a few minutes of battles of the wills, he had his little rear end lit up and the pants were on :) so off to the store we go.  I grab groceries, grab lunch, take lunch to Josh, rush to the school pick-up line and sit.  As I'm listening to Christian radio and getting caught up on facebook...Eli dozes off to sleep-YES! My thoughts were to let him sleep and carry him in at home and have some quiet time with Hannah talking about her day.  Well as the pick-up starts to move, I go to start the car.  NOTHING!  Okay..so at this time my lip starts to quiver and I'm on the verge of losing it.  I mean nothing...no hazard lights to let the angry parents honking their horns behind me know to just go around me.  Seriously people...go around me! So I unstrap my sleeping strong-will child with his pants on and we walk in the pouring rain to the little guy with his walkie talkie and that's when I lost it.  He gave me a mint and told me to "hang in there and wait in the office." So I then proceed to the gym where I see Hannah's teacher-who really is such a blessing.  She just smiles, grabs Hannah and tells me to go see the new baby quails that just hatched in her room.  We walk to see the new baby birds and then up to the car we go...yep cars lined up behind my car like its really going somewhere. So my little family is sitting in the car waiting on Josh and I realize I still have groceries in the trunk...that won't open!  Josh comes with an extra key thing..."thing" because I don't really have a key.  We get the truck open, get the jumper cables, and yes my little "start engine" button works and off we go. I go by the Nissan dealership and find out that I need a new battery.  Yes, yes Mr. Nissan man I do need a new battery.  A new battery for my daily life :) As I sat in the lobby watching my kids play I realized that I'm simply rushing through life for no reason.  My rotten attitude about pants, my husband not appreciating lunch (which he did appreciate-again my attitude), or even a dead battery. It really didn't matter at the end of the day.  My car has a new battery, the groceries got put up and life went on.
 Today as I sit I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders!  He has placed me right where HE wants me.  To be broken and spilled out like an offering, so He can pick up all the pieces and make me what He wants.  Sure there will be more break-downs and bad attitudes, but I know who I belong to and what He wants from me.  To love Him and allow Him to pull away all the old skin that crowds out my heart and lay it bare and raw before Him.
If you have never heard this song search and listen to "Brokenness Aside" by All Daughters and Son.

I am a sinner
If its not one thing its another
Caught up in words
Tangled in lies
You are the Savior
And you take brokenness aside
And make it beautiful

My prayer for myself and for you is to allow God to take those broken areas and make them beautiful!

Have a great day!


We're back!

"But I'll take the hand of those who don't know that way, who can't see where they're going. I'll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country.  I'll be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don't fall into the ditch.  These are the things I'll be doing for them-sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute."  Isaiah 42:16 MSG

Hey there...

Our family started a new journey almost 2 months ago and we thought this would be a great way for our family and friends to keep updated on the small things of our lives.  We would love for you to visit our blog often and feel like you are going on this journey with us.

Since moving to the wonderful state of North Carolina, our lives have been a roller coaster of emotions.  We have faced overwhelming excitement for this new adventure and also moments of home sickness...sometimes both in the same day.  We have tried to keep as many things as "normal" for our family-especially for the kids.  Soccer practice & games, family dinners, "Fire pit Friday" (where we sit by the fire pit and make s'mores), and watching shows like Gator Boys and Call of the Wild man make us feel home.  I am learning that its the small things in everyday family life that make us feel "home."  We have been blessed with a wonderful new church family, who has gone above and beyond to make us feel welcome and like we belong...bringing dinner, inviting us to dinner, doing extra sweet things for us and our kids.  God has truly directed our steps and provided for us in only ways that He can.  We have had the privilege of sitting in awe of Him as we simply watch Him work around us.  He has proven His faithfulness to us and we trust Him with ever new step we take.

Many have asked how we were enjoying our new home...we love it!  We have made a few changes, but its starting to feel like home to us.  We are learning our way around town and finding some of the local favorite places to eat and have ice cream.  We have been blessed with family & friends visiting us and we love that! Its so great to have them-but so hard to say good-bye. Josh and I are so excited to see what God has planned for us here.  Josh is doing a wonderful job at Calvary and he has really lead our family to trust the Lord in these new changes. He amazes me every day in the way he leads our family & sacrifices for us...and doesn't complain.  I am so blessed to be going on this journey with him!   Hannah & Eli have been champions in the way they have adjusted.  Hannah started her new school, where she is loving her teacher and class.  She is learning so many new things already...she went on her first field trip today where she learned about insects and plants.  She loves her Sunday School class and is enjoying meeting new friends and growing in her relationship with Jesus.  She has also started playing soccer and doing great!  Her coach is very impressed with her soccer skills and she is having a blast.  Eli is doing great too.  Since moving to NC, he has given up his "bite bite" and really maturing into a little boy.  He is beginning to adjust to his new class at church.  We still have our moments, but he's getting there.  I started working at Lifeway a couple days a week, so that is helping with his separation anxiety some.  We have also joined a Community Bible Study here-also called CBS...it is so wonderful!  Eli goes to his "school" one day a week and has done remarkably well.  He feels really big doing in with his backpack and it is one of the best decisions I feel like I have made since we moved here. We are meeting new people and making new friends.  
Please continue to pray for us and this new chapter of our lives.  Pray for the people in our city and that we will have opportunities to share the hope of Jesus with them.  Pray for our families back in Tennessee as they adjust to this new life too...having their grand kids 3 hours away is difficult and they are making sacrifices too.  Thanks to those who have texted, emailed or called to let us know that you still think about us and miss us. Your support means the world to us!  We hope you feel connected with us as we share our lives with you.
"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."  Philippians 1:6 NLT